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How Goal-Setting Can Completely Change Your Workout Game

Writer's picture: Sydney EatonSydney Eaton

Each year, my track coaches sent us home with a goal setting sheet to be returned to them by the end of the first week. My initial reaction was, ‘wow, thanks, I really wanted another piece of homework to add to the pile. Although, I was amazed at the good that resulted from filling it out when I finally took the time to sit down at my desk. I felt more focused, prepared, connected.

Now that I’m no longer a track athlete, I have wasted days, turned to weeks, turned to months being lazy. There is no longer that specific goal on the horizon to latch onto. No laid out plan for how to get there. How do you motivate yourself in the real world?! Normal people amaze me!

Now that I’m finally tired of enabling my couch potato lifestyle, I’m turning back to the goal setting that was ingrained into me. It turned out something my coaches taught me actually translates into normal life (who would’ve thought?!). 

We aren’t talking just simple goal setting- we’re talking setting the best goal possible for you, individually! And there’s a big difference!

SMART goals- a popular goal setting model for businesses and is what I used as an athlete. It is what I will continue to swear by. Each letter is laid out below, and each is important. I encourage you to follow along with a pen and paper. Consider how these categories might fit into your big dreams.

S- Specific

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

This is only about you, so the more specific the better! Think: what type of exercise do you like doing, what type of results do you want to see, what race do you want to run?

M- Measureable

How will you know you met your goal?

Find a number to reach for. If you want to lose weight- set the pounds, if you want to be able to walk or run for longer- set the distance, if you want to shave some time off a race- how much?

A- Achievable

Not too far to reach, but far enough to be challenging.

Not all of us can be Olympic athletes, and that’s okay! Be fair to yourself in making your goals. It is not good for the motivation (or the heart) to create a goal for yourself that can’t ever be reached.

R- Relevant

Link the goal to something important to you, something that inspires you.

What is your meaning in working out? Perhaps you workout to keep up with your kids or grandkids, to stay healthy, or to submit that mountain you always wanted to. Whatever it is, let that be known- that is the heart that will keep you going.

T- Timely

When do you want your goal to be met?

Keep in mind smaller short-term goals are a great way to motivate yourself, achieving a small goal will “enable” you to achieve an even greater goal.

Now that you have your goals determined and in mind, it is so much easier to make a workout plan from here! Remember, you want your workouts to fit with that end goal. For example, if you’re running a marathon, you don’t do just any sort of exercise to prepare- for example, heavy weight lifting probably wouldn’t be appropriate.

Take the necessary measures that will allow you success. If you don’t know what workouts are appropriate to reach your goals, I encourage you to find someone to talk to who does know!



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